
71 Candidates Seek Class Committee Places

Biographies of Class Committee Candidates

Ridlon Kiphart--Freshman Football; Freshman Baseball; Jubilee Committee; Kirkland House Committee; House Beer Bust Committee, Chairman; House Dance Committee; Crimson Key, House Representative; All-College Weekend Coordinating Committee, House Ticket Chairman; Undergraduate Schools Committee; Undergraduate Advising Committee, House Chairman; P. B. H. Book and Clothing Drive; House Play; House Baseball, Crew, Squash; University and Harvard Club Scholarships

Richard B. Kline--Harvard CRIMSON; Alumni Bulletin Sports Correspondent; Lowell House Musical Society Publicity, '52; House Football, Basketball, Softball

Alan L. Lefkowitz--Varsity Crew; Associate member, P. B. H.; Undergraduate Athletic Council

Milman H. Linn, III--P. B. H.; J.V. Football; House Athletics

Richard A. Lionette--Varsity Basketball, Captain; Freshman Football; Lowell House Committee; Junior Usher; Harvard Club Scholarship; Recipient of Class Colors


John R. Lovett Jr.--P. B. H., Social Services Committee; Student Council Committee; Harvard Catholic Club; Social Relations Society; Freshman Intramural Volleyball, Swimming

Hugh C. McCauley--Freshman Crew; Dunster House Committee, Chairman; House Dance Committee; House Alumni Affairs Secretary; P. B. H.; Undergraduate Schools Committee; House Hockey, Crew

Paul A. Milde--Pierian Sodality of 1808, Secretary '52-'53; Harvard-Radcliffe Orchestra; Harvard Pre-Medical Society, President '52-'53; Harvard Theatre Group; Harvard Flying Club; P. B. H. Visitation Committee, Undergraduate Faculty; Lowell House Opera; House Football

John D. Nichols--Varsity Football, Captain; P. B. H.; House Athletics; Junior Usher; Varsity Club

James B. O'Brien--Freshman Hockey; Freshman Baseball; Varsity Hockey; Freshman and House Football Referee and Baseball Umpire; Daniel Buckley Scholarship; House Baseball

Frank A. Olson--Freshman Debate Council, Treasurer '49-'50; Dunster House Committee, Treasurer '51-'52; Harvard Debate Council, Vice-President '52; Pierian Sodality of 1808; Harvard Young Republicans

Gilbert W. O'Neil--Varsity Football; Varsity Club, President; Undergraduate Athletic Council; Eliot House Committee; Junior Usher; House Basketball

Arthur M. Pappas--Varsity Football; House Athletics; Varsity Club

Curtis F. Peterson--Lowell House Committee; P. B. H. Social Service Committee; Harvard Yearbook Publications; Harvard Theatre Group; House Athletics; Student Council Undergraduate Advising Committee

Thomas H. Fetschek--P. B. H. Blood Drive, Chairman, '51; P. B. H. Vice-President '52-'53; Freshman Union Committee; House Athletics
