
71 Candidates Seek Class Committee Places

Biographies of Class Committee Candidates

Lewis R. Goldberg--Leverett House Committee; Freshman Jubilee Committee; P. B. H. Ticket Agency; House Athletics

Robert H. Goldstein--Dudley House Committee; House Dance Committee; Student Council Special Committee on Dudley; Social Relations Society, Executive Board, Treasurer; Harvard Advocate; Combined Charities Drive, Assistant House Captain; House Soccer, Squash.

Walter H. Greeley--Freshman Football; J.V. Football; Freshman Hockey; Freshman Baseball; Varsity Hockey, Captain; Varsity Baseball; Undergraduate Athletic Council; Varsity Club, Secretary; House Football

Otto F. Grote--150 lb. Crew, '49-'52; Leverett House Dance Committee, Chairman; Inter-House Dance Committee, Chairman; Jubilee Committee

John C. Hamel--French Club, President, '51-'53; Varsity Swimming Team; Varsity Fencing Team; United Nations Council of Harvard; House Swimming, Fencing, Soccer


Dana M. Hastings--Harvard Band, Manager and Treasurer; Junior Usher; Dorm Manager; Freshman Intramural Athletics

David L. Hedberg--Freshman Swimming Team, Captain; Freshman Gold Team; Varsity Swimming Letterman; Varsity Golf, Captain; Pre-Medical Group; Biology Discussion Group; Varsity Club

A. Dexter Hinckley--United Nations Council; Harvard Biology Club; Conservation Society; Harvard Outing Club; P. B. H. Visitation Committee

Thomas W. Hoya--Freshman Union Committee, Chairman; Student Council, '50-'52, Treasurer, '52; Crimson Key; Junior Usher; Harvard Combined Charities; Freshman Intramural Athletic Committee; House Athletics; National Scholar

John E. Hubbard--Freshman Crew; Canterbury Players, '49-'51; Harvard Lampoon, President, Treasurer; Co-author, Hasty Pudding Theatricals; Junior Usher

Ronald E. Huebsch--Varsity Swimming Team. Captain; Varsity Lacrosse Team, Captain; Undergraduate Athletic Council; Varsity Club; Junior Usher

Richard E. Johnson--Student Council, President; P. B. H. Cabinet, '50-'51; Harvard Scholarship

Russell E. Johnson--Freshman Basketball; Freshman Baseball; Varsity Baseball; Varsity Club; Undergraduate Athletic Council

Harvey Kaufman--Dudley House Committee; House Dance Committee; Head Student Proctor; Senior Athletic Secretary; House Basketball, Football, Soccer, Squash, Boxing, Crew, Softball

Allan F. Kenney--Lowell House Athletic Secretary; Undergraduate Athletic Council; Freshman Basketball; House Football, Basketball
