
Revised Armed Services Policies

For those who hold a bachelor's degree there are many opportunities for direct commission in the Air Force Reserve, depending upon the the type of training.

3. Air--National Guard.

Same as Air Force Reserve.

4. Army--Regular.

a. United States Military Academy, West Point, New York.


b. Outstanding ROTC students.

c. Reserve officers on basis of performance of active duty.

5. Army--Reserve.

a. Local openings are in the Armor, Field Artillery and Infantry only. Age: 21 to 27 years and 9 months. Must hold a college degree or have been in the first three enlisted grades for at least six months. Must have had one year of active service prior to June 30, 1947, M.B.A. holders may obtain commissions in Medical Service Corps without prior service, but will go on immediate active duty.

b. Enlisted men in the Reserves or National Guard may take correspondence courses and receive commissions. This takes approximately one year after enlistment.

c. OCS.

19 to 28 with high school diploma. Enlistment involves taking a 45 minute test. There is a one to four month waiting period during which time there is no draft deferment. Those who enlist take basic training for six to eight weeks, leadership school for six weeks, and then OCS at Fort Riley, Kansas for six months, commission. Service for two or three years.

6. Army--National Guard.

Same as Reserves.

7. Coast Guard--Reserve.
