12. Navy--Reserve.
17 and up for two years. Duty consists of weekly meetings from 7 to 10 p.m. Mondays or Tuesdays, plus a two-week summer cruise. Units are subject to call to active duty at any time. Those who enlist are free from draft.
1. Air Force--Regular.
a. United States Military Academy, West Point, New York.
b. Outstanding students in Aviation Cadet, Navigator Cadet, Administrative OCS, or Air ROTC.
c. Reserve officers on basis of performance of active duty.
2. Air Force--Reserve.
a. Aviation Cadet.
Single men, 20 to 26 1/2 with two years of college. Training for 13 months--service upon completion of training and commission--three years. The waiting period for appointment is about 4 months currently, but applicants are deferred from draft during this period.
b. Navigator Cadet.
Same as Aviation Cadet.
c. Administrative OCS.
20 to 26 1/2, married or single, with two years of college. Six months training and active duty for three years. There is a waiting period of from six to eight months for these appointments, and applicants are not deferred from draft during this time. Competition for these appointments is currently so stiff that only those who hold a college degree are being accepted.
d. Specialists.
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