Let's consider the opinions of two people who were at the election as to its procedure. The first termed it "chaos"; the second stated that "candidates were running around like ants" towards the end of the tabulation. A third person, who was not actually present, considered a recount justifiable because of conditions reported to him by sources different from the above two. In view of the above items I can conclude only that the mechanical process of tabulation was far from the orderliness that ballot couning merits.
I said that adequate safeguards against election fraud were not given to the 1950 electorate. Perhaps I am not a judge of "adequate safeguards," yet I feel that the questions asked below would also be asked by the Class of 1950 if it knew the facts I have uncovered.
Questions a 'Bungled Election'
Agreed some of the above diversions from the Paul Report individually are of little consequence, but taken together they illustrate what seems to be a completely bungled election. Moreover, compliance with the adopted procedure on some of the points, such as the last two, might easily have changed the whole outcome. In repeat and amplify my question. Why weren't the appointments of the Student Council Member in Charge of Class Affairs and the chairman of the 1950 Permanent Class Committee election committee made according to the prescribed forms? And why did the election committee, headed by those men who were appointed, fail to proceed under the adopted instructions?
I want to know why Edward F. Burke '50, David H. Hall '50, and Frederic D. Houghteling '50, all candidates, were in Phillips Brooks House (where the ballots were counted) during most of the tabulation.
I want to know why Burke, a candidate, during tabulation questioned ballot counters about his progress and "bothered" them in their work.
I want to know why Hall, a candidate, was "supervising the tabulation."
I want to know why Houghteling, a candidate, took active part in the tabulation of ballots.
I want to know why there were so many seniors counting ballots and why there were other candidates present during some part of the tabulation.
I want to know why the offer for an impartial recount by editors and news board candidates of the CRIMSON was turned down by Burke, as Student Council Chairman, and not accepted when a recount was later requested by a defeated candidate.
Candidates Recounted
I want to know why Burke, Brynteson, John T. Carnahan, Hall, and Houghteling, all candidates, helped make the recounts, when such an item seems to fall under the duties of only the original ballot counters or another impartial group.
I want to know why, even with candidates making the recounts, all "close" candidates, those separated from elections by a narrow margin, were not included in this select group. Among those not included was Albert B. Carter, the candidate who lost his position on the Permanent Class, Committee as a result of the recounts.
I want to know why the first recount, which resulted in the omission of Brynteson from the Permanent Class Committee was not considered sufficient and why Burke insisted that another be taken.
I want to know why the group of candidates and representatives of candidates (also a few others) considered that the second recount which resulted in the omission of Carter from the Permanent Class Committee was sufficient.
I want to know why precautions against ballot counters and recounters from personally invalidating ballots by adding a thirteenth mark to the twelve already on the ballot--a really very simple matter--were not taken.
I want to know why, with so many countings and recountings, the invalid ballots were not discovered until so late.
And lastly I want to know why we members of the Class of 1950 have to submit to an election so slovenly run that it presented magnificent openings for dishonest manipulation. Why do we not have the right to a fairly and effectively run election?
May I say in closing that I have no fault to find with the many honorable men who constitute the majority of the 1950 Permanent Class Committee. My foremost complaint is against rather the shameful manner in which the Committee was elected. (Name withheld by request.)