The nominating committee nominated 33 persons including themselves.
6.) The election must be held in the first week of December.
The election was held on December 14.
7.) The ballots must include addresses, pictures, and a list of College activities of the candidates.
Candidates' pictures were not included with the ballots. The matter of the pictures on or with the ballots came under the consideration of the Student Council last fall, but there is no officially recorded change from the Paul Report on this matter.
8.) All ballots must be numbered.
Ballots were not numbered.
9.) Balloting and tabulation must be conducted by two members from each House who are not members of the class.
Among those conducting the balloting in the Houses were 14 Seniors.
10.) Each voter must sign a list at the ballot box when he deposits his ballot.
There were no signature lists made by ballot depositors.
11.) The preferential system to select the Marshals as distinguished from Committee members must be included in the ballot.
The preferential system to select Marshals was not Included.
12.) Each voter must check at least four candidates.
Any ballot with less than 13 names checked was considered valid.
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