
The Lucky Bag


With that second report out of our way, we have virtually nothing on our minds. In fact we've been out of our minds over since we wrote it. But we're back on top after last week's illness. They can't keep us down... for more than a week at a time.

It's comical the way everyone keeps looking for the seven guys that are not quite so bright as the rest, and will consequently be the lucky ones to go to the Lakes.

The gent who devised every Bostonian's favorite quote, "If you don't like the weather in New England, just wait a minute and it will change," omitted a trio of vital words... for the worse. California was never like this.

We've come to the conclusion that they weren't kidding when they said this was tough. The profs seem to want us to go "all out" study. We're still trying to figure out how we got caught in this mess of Phi Botes and straight A boys, but we haven't gone so far as to question anyone.

Our room number is Mor err Chase C-36, if there is anything you don't understand, or if you get in too deep... dig, or do something, but please don't come around here as we are still working on the first week's assignments. Ah, but it's a great opportunity that we have... but so was Dewey's.


Just because last week-end was the first liberty that we've had in months was no reason for the police to make us call in every five minutes. Geo, we read the papers, too. By the way, have you had a Cowle Cocktail. For particulars see the pharmacist's mate.

During room inspection the other day, the inspecting officer was about to mark Randy Phillips down for not making his sack. "The Ghost"saved the day by speaking a helpless word while lost in the white of his sheets. "No more of this," said the inspecting officer, and now Phillips sleeps between two raincoats for contrast.

Last Saturday's liberty found many Chase luminaries out basking in the fresh air and smoke light of the Stagier's dance. To mention a few, "Robel" Smith, string bean drawl expert, Bill Shuey, and Kirby "Sour" Pickie were in attendance. Tom Wilcox musta used his Virginia drawl to influence roommates Wood, of Florida, and Woodin, who once spent week ends in Iowa, into the Bradford College affair. A word to the wise all agree that Bradford is fairly loaded with prospective...talent.

The declaration of liberty gave "debonaire Don" Perkins a chance to show his wares to the Boston women. No comments as yet in the Boston papers. (May be they haven't uncovered the bodies.) The lad can, really spin a yo-yo.

A parting thought brought to you by the makers of "Gobblit," which used 60 of the 69 known vitamins. The only difference between here and your undergrad college isn't Baker library... or did you figure out the management case?

Question of the week: is it true that company commander Rinetti sleeps in his dress uniform, or does he just wear the hat? Oh well, when the war is over we will all on list again...

While we're still searching for the hard luck kid seeking priorities on the western frontier, the smug expression of Romeo Ray Wibble and many others too numerous to count are worth noting. There is a general "attitude" of complete satisfaction all around as we finish the finest leave since way back.

To check this we made a poll on "What was your most interesting experience on leave?" with this result:

Webb Smith "Posting as a peon down on the border just for laughs"

Jim Thompson "Saying a very intimate goodbye to the entire enrollment of an Oklahoma girls school"
