
Adams Places Most Men on Crimson All-House Eleven

Kirkland and Dudley Share Second Place

Center: Richard Loomis, Dudley

Guard: Eliot C. Lasser, Kirkland

Backs: John L. Felmeth, Lowell

William C. Murphy, Lowell

Kieren P. Culliton, Adams


Only man on both last year's and this year's team is Sam May, "Rock of Gibralter" guard from the Gold Coast. Dick Loomis, who was an all-House center on the Winthrop team last year, was barely nosed out for the first choice by Lew Sandler of Kirkland. It was pretty much of a toss-up between the two players. Another position decided after much debate was the right guard slot, where "Buck" Lasser, Deacon Sophomore, was edged by his team-mate, Tom Garvey, who is a Senior.

The ends, Cummings and Taylor, were standouts all year, and there was little doubt of their choice. Len Cummings, who excells as a pass receiver and is a powerful defense player as well, is a Amberica, led by John L. Lewis, former president of the CIO
