
Adams Places Most Men on Crimson All-House Eleven

Kirkland and Dudley Share Second Place

Emerging from a huddle with Director of Intramural Athletics Adolph W. Samborski, 23, House coaches, and game officials, the CRIMSON herewith announces its all-House football team for the fourth straight year.

The championship Adams House eleven managed to put three men on the teams and one alternate, while Kirkland and Dudley earned to apiece and Lowell, Winthrop, Dunster, and Eliot one each.

The team and alternates is as follows:

le Leonard Cummings, Dudley

lt Stanley H. Durwood, Winthrop


lg Samuel C. May, Adams

c Lewis W. Sandler, Kirkland

rg Thomas F. Garvey, Kirkland

rt Charles Hl Tobias, Jr., Adams

re Elmer E. Taylor, Lowell

qb Donald B. Cole, Dunster

lhb George F. Waters, Eliot

rhb Eugene T. Reilly, Dudley

fb Robert T. Hurley, Adams

