January 25
Examinations begin today--Mid-Year period extends until February 10.
February 26,
Hockey team wins series--Season closed brilliantly by defeating Yale in final game 4-2. Professor C. R. Sanger dies.
February 29
Professor Charles T. Copeland delivers lecture in Union "Studies vs Interests and Activities"--Says studies worth more than other activities, but both may be combined.
March 21
Dean Briggs makes annual report--Upholds baseball as "a sport for gentlemen." Varsity Club building nearing completion.
March 25
Hasty Pudding presents "Below zero"--Benchley reviewed as "the bright green oasis in the few deserts of dialogue."
March 27
Taft reelected President in University poll--Wilson obtained second place while Roosevelt comes in third.
April 1
Coach Haughton holds first spring football practice--Candidates for track team also report at field.
April 8
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