
Turn Back The Clock

It happened 25 years ago. A few CRIMSON headlines from the bound volume of 1911-12.

September 28

President's New Residence Larger house to be erected on Quiney Street.

October 2

Bates defeated 15-0 University team won in slow first game.


October 6

Progress on Cambridge Subway--Construction nearly completed--Opening probably within the next month.

October 7

President Eliot on tour Around the world To be gone eight months.

October 11

Registration figures for 1911-12 2263 undergraduates 368 Seniors 744 Freshmen.

October 13

New University library Recommended in report submitted to Board of Overseers.

October 14

News Commencement date Set for Thursday before last Wednesday in June, Death of Owen Wister '82.

October 16

Owen Wister in good health--Reports of death found to have been erroneous, caused by absence on a short hunting trip.

October 17

Yale and Harvard--President Hadley of Yale talks of common interests between two universities.

October 18

Professor Taussig's book--"Principles of Economics" reviewed by Professor T. N. Carver.

October 20

No reception by President Lowell--Out of town President and Mrs. Lowell unable to hold usual reception for students Sunday.

October 21

Report of Cooperative--Great increase of business--9 percent dividend declared.

October 24

Nine Seniors elected to Student Council--H. L. Gaddis, G. H. Balch, H. L. Groves, R. Lowell, T. J. Campbell, R. F. Duncan, F. C. Gray, F. D. Huntington, D. P. Ranney.

October 25

Courses chosen by 1914--Three times as many concentrating in Economics as in anything else. Dedication exercises of Andover Theological Seminary to be held today.

October 26

Handicap track games tomorrow. Captain Fisher again in scrimmage. Finals of tennis singles.

November 1

Mrs. Kelly on "Suffrage"--Secretary of National Consumers' League predicts spread of Woman Suffrage in America.

November 6

Princeton 8, Harvard 6--Poor offensive work of line responsible for Harvard's weak showing.

November 10

Full announcement of Western trip--Plans made for tour by University Musical Clubs.

November 11

Honor for President Lowell--Degree of Officer of Legion of Honor conferred on him.

November 13

Carlisle 18, Harvard 15--Thorpe's kicking feature of Indian game.

November 16

Second Symphony concert--in Sanders Theatre this evening. Football mass meeting at 8--Songs and cheers will be practiced in Union tonight.

November 25

Harvard 0, Yale 0--Both teams threaten to score in first half.

November 27

Booker T. Washington in Union--Will speak on "Negro Progress." "The Night Riders"--Cast of Dramatic Club's Fall play.

November 28

Phi Beta Kappa elections--22 Seniors and eight Juniors.

December 2

John Harvard's birthday November 26--Much confusion concerning exact date at last settled.

December 5

Dr. Grenfell on Labrador--in living room of Union at 8:15. Arrangements for Recess--Christmas vacation to extend from December 23 to January 2, inclusive.

December 8

Building for Harvard Club--Committee appointed to select site of clubhouse for Boston organization.

December 12

President Eliot out of danger--After operation for appendicitis in Kandy, Ceylon, on Saturday.

December 14

H. L. Gaddis First Marshal--1912 class officers elected--Nominations for Class Secretary and Committees.

December 19

New Cambridge Y.M.C.A--Building now complete--Swimming pool in basement contributed by Harvard men. Senior officers elected--R. B. Wigglesworth chosen Secretary--Committees elected--Only 252 ballots cast.

December 22

New Music Building plans--Promise of $80,000 for its construction if additional $50,000 is secured. Technology 4, Harvard 1--University team outclassed in first hockey game at Arena.

January 10

The Senior dormitories--To be discussed by President Lowell, at Junior Class Smoker in Union on Friday.

January 13

Professor Copeland's Readings--Subjects announced for three readings in Union.

January 15

Brooks House Celebration--Twelfth anniversary of dedication will be observed tomorrow evening.

January 18

Senior Banana Night at 8:15 In living room of Union--Music and entertainment provided.

January 19

Commencement Marshall--William Endicott, Jr. chosen by the Class of 1887 for its twenty-fifth reunion.

January 24

University Seven improves--Hockey team defeated H.A.A. 5-1. Woodrow Wilson to speak--In Sanders Theatre Saturday afternoon.

January 25

Examinations begin today--Mid-Year period extends until February 10.

February 26,

Hockey team wins series--Season closed brilliantly by defeating Yale in final game 4-2. Professor C. R. Sanger dies.

February 29

Professor Charles T. Copeland delivers lecture in Union "Studies vs Interests and Activities"--Says studies worth more than other activities, but both may be combined.

March 21

Dean Briggs makes annual report--Upholds baseball as "a sport for gentlemen." Varsity Club building nearing completion.

March 25

Hasty Pudding presents "Below zero"--Benchley reviewed as "the bright green oasis in the few deserts of dialogue."

March 27

Taft reelected President in University poll--Wilson obtained second place while Roosevelt comes in third.

April 1

Coach Haughton holds first spring football practice--Candidates for track team also report at field.

April 8

Professor A. L. Rotch dies--Harvard geologist founder and director of Blue Hill Meteorological Observatory.

April 11

Baseball team leaves for week's tour of South--Lincoln Steffeus lectures in Union on graft.

April 22

John Jacob Astor '88, Francis Davis Millet '69, and Harry Elkins Widener '07 reported among victims of Titanic disaster.

May 24

Cornell crew defeats Harvard and Princeton on the Charles.

June 3

Harvard second in Intercollegiate Track and Field Games at Philadelphia--Captain Withington breaks two-mile record.

June 5

Cornerstone laid for Germanic Museum--President Lowell officiates.

June 20

Commencement Exercises for the Class of 1912
