A well-known British classicist, Herbert Jennings Rose, since 1927 Professor of Greek at the University of St. Andrew's, Scotland, will be visiting lecturer on Latin during the first half-year. Following education at McGill and Oxford, Professor Rose was a Fellow and Lecturer of Exeter College, Oxford, 1907-11, and Associate Professor of Classics at McGill, 1911-15. After service in the army, 1915-19, he was appointed Professor of Latin at the University College of Wales, a position which he held until 1927. He is the author of numerous works on ancient classical cultures and mythology.
Ulich Remains
Dr. Robert Ulich, visiting lecturer on Comparative Education since 1933, will remain at Harvard in the same capacity during the coming year. Dr. Ulich is Professor of Philosophy at the Tech-nische Hochschule, Dresden.
For the third year, Professor Gaetano Salvemini will be Lauro de Bosis Lecturer on the History of Italian Civilization, Professor Salvemini served as Professor of History in the Universities of Messina, Pisa, and Florence, 1901-1925. From 1925 to 1933, when he came to Harvard, he taught at several universities in England and America.
Sociology Additions
Coming to Harvard this year as lecturers and tutors in Sociology are Edward Wight Bakke, Assistant Professor of Sociology at Yale, and Howard Paul Becker, Associate Professor of Sociology at Smith College. Dr. Bakke will be at Harvard during the second half-year and Dr. Becker during the first half-year.
Dr. Dietrich Gerhard, Privatdozent in Modern History at the University of Berlin and Lecturer at the Deutsche Hochschule fur Politik, will be lecturer and tutor in History during the second half-year. Dr. Gerard Pieter Kulper, of the Lick Observatory, University of California, will be lecturer on Astronomy. Ole Singstad, Chief Engineer on Tunnels, Port of New York Authority, will visit Harvard to lecture at the Graduate School of Engineering. Kenneth Vivian Thimann, Instructor in Bacteriology, California Institute of Technology, will be lecturer on Botany during the first half-year.
Willy Hartner
Willy Hartner, Lecturer at Frankfurt University, Germany, whose field is the history of natural sciences, especially astronomy among the peoples of the Orient, the Near East, and Central America, will be Lecturer on the History of Sciences during the year. Dr. Hartner will be among the faculty men giving courses in the new doctorate field "History of Science and Learning" projected by President James B. Conant last spring