


We are reprinting this article because we feel it will be of interest to those men who were unable to see Friday's issue.

The Most Reverend William Temple, Archbishop of York, and Professor Corrado Gini, noted Italian statistician, are among the eighteen scholars from American and European universities who are expected to be visiting members of the Harvard faculty this year.

Ten of the visiting scholars are from universities of Great Britain, France, Germany, Italy, and Finland, while eight are from institutions in the United States. Of the group, two will bear the title of Professor, and the rest will be Lecturers.

Dr. Temple will be William Belden Noble Lecturer on Religion, giving two public lectures at the Harvard Memorial Church in December. As a student at Oxford in 1904, Dr. Temple was President of the Union. Following graduation he was a Fellow and Lecturer in Philosophy at Queens College, Oxford, 1904-1910. After holding various offices in the church he was made Bishop of Manchester in 1921. In 1929 he became Archbishop of York.

Dr. Gini, who is Professor of Statistics and Biometrics at the Royal University, and Director of the Royal Institute of Statistics, both of Rome, will be lecturer on Sociology during the second half-year. Professor Gini was President of the Imperial Statistical Institute of Italy, 1927-32, and was head of the Italian Delegation to the International Diplomatic Conference on Labor Statistics.


The two visiting Professors are Karl Victor, Professor of German Philosophy at the University of Giessen, Germany, and Charles Cestre, Professor of American Literature and Civilization at the Faculte des Lettres, Paris. Professor Victor will be Kuno Francke Professor of German Art and Culture during the first half-year. Professor Cestre will be Exchange Professor from France during the first half-year. He held the same position at Harvard in 1917-18.

Of the visiting lecturers, Lars Valerian Ahlfors, Adjunct Professor of Mathematics at the University of Helsingfors, Finland, will be lecturer and tutor in Mathematics throughout the year.

Dr. Ahlfors will take the place of Marston Morse, professor of Mathematics, who is going to the Einstein Institute at Princeton.

Leonard Carmichael, Professor of Pay- chology and Director of the Psychological Laboratory, Brown University, will be lecturer on Psychology during the first half-year. A graduate of Tufts in 1921, Professor Carmichael did graduate work at Harvard, receiving his Ph.D. in 1924. From 1924-27 he taught at Princeton, and in 1927 he went to Brown. He has taught several summers at the Harvard Summer School.

Professor Carmichael will replace Professor Boring who has been granted a leave of absence in which he will be writing his new book on the history of experimental psychology in the nineteenth century.

Oliver Peter Field, Professor of Government at the University of Minnesota, will be at Harvard as lecturer and tutor in Government throughout the year.

Professor Field will assume the duties of Henry A. Yeomans '00, professor of Government, who has been granted a leave of absence.

Rudolph Ernest Langer, Professor of Mathematics at the University of Wisconsin, will be lecturer and tutor in Mathematics. After graduating from Harvard College in 1927, Professor Langer took his A. M. at Harvard in 1920, and his Ph.D. in 1928.

Replaces Widder

He is replacing David V. Widder '20, associate professor of Mathematics, who will be on leave of absence.
