SYMONDS (John Addington) Studies of the Greek Poets. 2 vols. (Second Edition.) 1877. $5.50
SYMONDS (John Addington) Vagabunduli Libellus. 1884 $3.50
SYMONS (Arthur) Introduction to the Study of Browning. 1886. $2.75
THOMPSON (Francis) Life and Labours of Saint John Baptiste de la Salle. 1911. $3.50
THOMSON (Hugh, illustrated) GASKELL (Mrs.) Cranford. Large Paper copy. 1891. $6.00
THOMSON (Hugh, illustrated) MITFORD (Mary Russell) Our Village. Large Paper copy. 1893. $6.00
THOMSON (Hugh) and RAILTON (Herbert, illustrated). TRISTRAM (W.O.) Coaching Days and Coaching Ways. Small folio. 1888. $15.00
TOLSTOY (Leo) The Death of Ivan Ilyitch. Small stain on cover. 1902. $2.50
TOMLINSON (H.M.) All Our Yesterdays. Mint in d.w. 1930. $4.00
TWAIN (Mark) What is Man. 1910. $1.50
TRENCH (Herbert) Deirdre Wed and Other Poems. 1901. $1.75
TYNAN (Katherine) Late Songs. 1917. $2.50
TYNAN (Katherine) Lands. Only 350 copies printed. Scarce. 1909. $4.00
TYNAN (Katherine) A Lover's Breast-Knot. Only 500 copies printed. 1896. $3.50
VAN VECHTEN (Carl) The Tattooed Countess. First Published Edition. New York. 1924. $2.00
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