RALEIGH (Sir Walter) Letters Of. Edited by Lady Raleigh. In Two Volumes. Mint in d.w. 1926. $5.00
RIDGE (Pett) Nine to Six-Thirty. 1910. $1.50
ROBINSON (Charles, illustrator) Make-Believe. By H.D. Lowry. 1896. $1.75
RUTHERFORD (Mark) Pages From a Journal. 1900. $2.50
SAINTSBURY (George) A Second Scrap Book. Mint in d.w. 1923. $2.00
SALTUS (Edgar) The Philosophy of Disenchantment. American First Edition. 1885. $10.00
SALTUS (Edgar) The Truth About Tristrem Varick. American First Edition. 1888. $10.00
SASSOON (Siegfried) Memoirs of an Infantry Officer. Mint in d.w. 1930. $2.50
SEAMAN (Owen) Borrowed Plumes. 1902. $1.50
SEAMAN (Owen) Harvest of Chaff. 1904. $1.50
SERVICE (Robert W.) Rhymes of a Red-Cross Man. 1916. $3.00
SHARP (William) The Divine Adventure, etc. 1900. $3.00
SHARP (William) The Laughter of Peterkin. Illustrated by Rollinson. 1897. $2.50
SHAW (Bernard) Back to Methuselah. 1921. $7.50
SHAW (Bernard) Cashel Byron's Profession. First Revised Edition. 1901. $3.50
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