No more do Saturday night ale orgies stain the escutcheon of our collegiate honor.
No more does ribald rendition of Sweet Adeline, born of beer, arrest our slumbers.
No more do suds stain student banquet boards.
No more does seductive wine pollute the repasts of our apostles of erudition.
No! Thank God, ten years ago our moral consciousness awakened to destroy these perfidious practices, giving us
Some facts about Prohibition
The estimated annual cost of Prohibition enforcement and loss of revenue is $936,000,000.
A billion dollars for temperance?
What of it?
Our people are protected from alcohol.
The government of Ontario made millions last year from the sale of intoxicants.
Let them have their ill gotten coin.
Temperance is our war cry.
We are producing a super race.
The sins of the fathers are not being visited upon the sons.
What is a rye highball?