A critic not unkind.
As from thy gates we turn away
And face a world unknown,
Oh, Harvard, grant we live today
The life that thou has shown. Richard Donham '27
entire Class of 1927 will join in a hymn.
Donham Writes Baccalaureate Hymn
Following the Baccalaureate sermon, the 1927 Baccalaureate hymn will be sung. This hymn has been composed by Richard Donham '27, and goes to the tune of "Saint Anne."
Prayer and benediction by Professor Moore will terminate the service, and the Senior Class will leave the Chapel sanctuary to the organ accompainment of Mendelasoha's "Recessional."
Immediately after the Appleton Chapel service President and Mrs. Lowell are holding a reception for the Seniors at their home on Quincy Street.