
Lowell's Baccalaureate Sermon to Usher in Gala Commencement

President and Mrs. Lowell's Reception to Close First Day of Commencement Week

At 4 o'clock tomorrow afternoon the program of events for the University's two hundred and ninety-first Commencement season will get under way when President Lowell delivers the Baccalureate sermon to the Class of 1927 in Appleton Chapel. Edward Caldwell Moore, Professor and Chairman of the Board of ORDER OF WORSHIP Organ Prelude: Psalm  Marcello Processional: March  Lachner Sentences from the Scripture Invocation The Lord's Prayer Responsive Reading Anthem: Prayer of Thanksgiving  Netherlands Folk Song Scripture Lesson Hymn The Sermon  President Lowell Baccalaureate Hymn Prayer Recessional: March  Mendelssohn

Preachers, will preside at the annual Chapel exercises which formally usher in the celebration of Commencement week.

The program for the exercises tomorrow afternoon centers about the Baccalaureate sermon preceded by an organ prelude and march by L. A. Copeland '27, the invocation by Professor Moore, and the singing of the "Netherlands Folk Song" by the Chapel Choir. Before President Lowel delivers his address, the


Oh, ancient walls we leave today


Remain to be our guide;

The Strength, the power upon our way,

The Helper by our side.

And as the hours turn into days,

The years to years gone by,

Be yet our force till life decays,

The hand that holds us high.

When failure closes out the light,

Or glory makes us blind,

Be still with us to show the right,

A critic not unkind.

As from thy gates we turn away

And face a world unknown,

Oh, Harvard, grant we live today

The life that thou has shown. Richard Donham '27

entire Class of 1927 will join in a hymn.

Donham Writes Baccalaureate Hymn

Following the Baccalaureate sermon, the 1927 Baccalaureate hymn will be sung. This hymn has been composed by Richard Donham '27, and goes to the tune of "Saint Anne."

Prayer and benediction by Professor Moore will terminate the service, and the Senior Class will leave the Chapel sanctuary to the organ accompainment of Mendelasoha's "Recessional."

Immediately after the Appleton Chapel service President and Mrs. Lowell are holding a reception for the Seniors at their home on Quincy Street.
