
Additional Half-Courses to be Given During the Coming Term

Numerous Visiting Professors to Take Part in Second Term Curriculum

Primarily For Graduates

*Psychology 28. Seminary in Psychology. A Fundamental Problem selected by the Seminary. Associate Professor Boring. (This half-course will be given Monday evenings at 7.30 o'clock instead of Wednesday evenings at 7.45 o'clock as previously anounced.)

*Psychology 20. Special Research in Psychology. Professor Buhler will be one of the Instructors.

*Psychology 20a. Psychological Laboratory. Professor Buhler will be one of the instructors.



History 40. History of France in the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries.

Psychology 9. Aesthetics. Assistant Professor Pratt.

Psychology 22. History of Psychology.

Psychology 20c. Research in Comparative Psychology

*Courses demand consent of instructor for registration.
