Fine Arts 4g. Dutch Painting of the Seventeenth Century. Thursday at 10 o'clock and, (at the pleasure of the instructor) Tuesday at 10 o'clock. Professor Adoph Goldschmidt, University of Berlin. (XII)
Primarily for Graduates
Fine Arts 14c. Romanesque Architecture. Monday, Wednesday. Friday at 3 o'clock. Professor Porter. (This course announced to be omitted in 1927-28 is being given as a full course and may, with the consent of the instructor, be taken in either half year as a half course.) (VIII)
*Fine Arts 14t. Seminary on Mediaeval Painting. Tuesday, Thursday, from 4 to 5 o'clock. Professor Adolph Goldschmidt. (XVIII)
For Undergraduates and Graduates
History 2h. History of the Hapsburg Monarchy. Professor Pribram, University of Vienna.
(Previously announced as History 2 to be given Monday, Wednesday at 11 o'clock, this half-course will be given Tuesday and Thursday at 10 o'clock and a third hour at the pleasure of the instructor.)
Economics 4b. Economics of Corporations. Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday at 11 o'clock. Professor A. S. Dewing, Graduate School of Business Administration. (XIII)
Economics 6a. Trade-Unionism and Allied Problems. Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday at 10 o'clock. Professor C. E. Persons, Boston University, assisted by Mr. Joslyn. (XII)
(Previously announced to be given by Professor Ripley.)
Education B. Educational Psychology and Mental Hygiene. Tuesday. Thursday, Saturday, at 10 o'clock. Mr. Selzer with the cooperation of Professor Dearborn. (XII)
Philosophy 14b. English Philosophy from Bacon to Hume. Monday, Wednesday, Friday at 11 o'clock. Dr. Wild.
(Previously announced to be given by Mr. Kirby-Miller) (IV)
Primarily For Undergraduates
Psychology A. Introduction to Psychology: General Principles. Monday, Wednesday, Friday at 2 o'clock. Assistant Professor Pratt and assistants. (VII)
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