But for chance it might be you.
Lines On Reaching the Age of Innocence
Friend, spare a tear
For the body here.
And remember as you look upon it.
That this same pall
Has drunk of gall.
Felt more sorrows than could fill a sonnet.
He loved football
Not that that's all
But he also loved his sleep. . . .
And here there is a lacuna in the manuscript. Whether or not the author was seized with a fatal disease, lacked a rhyme scheme, lost interest those are questions which the reader must answer for himself. Suffice to say that in this fragment we have one of the loviest examples of the old Welsh. The translation is practically a literal one with the exception of the word "But", which is written as "However" (from the German "Sed" etc. Vide Med. Phil. Rev, 23, vol. 8. pp. 256-58).