

Comparative merits of Yale College and Sheffield Scientific School include dormitory accommodations, the "social system" and vocational and professional aims.

As to the questions concerning a student's income and his family's finances, which aroused some hostile comment among the undergraduates, students were asked to check whether their family's income is $3,000, $5,000, and so forth, up to over $50,000; to state their own allowance, earnings, whether they had to work during the summer in order to pay college expenses, and what qualifications they think they possess for the careers they intend to try.

Time Chart Covered Week

But the minute inquisition into the habits of the Yale undergraduate was in the student time chart. This, covering a full week, was designed to account for every minute of the day and night and for every conceivable occupation. In fact, scholastic work was only a fraction of the total. Among the non-athletic organizations the student was required to account for his work in connection with publications, dramatics, musical clubs, debating, religious, Y. M. C. A., Class committee, student council fraternities and societies.

Organized athletics came next in importance, with not only major and minor sports, but the time spent in athletic management or in competing for athletic management. The "recreation and leisure" section included exercise and sports such as golf and tennis, reading, not in preparation for classroom work, lectures and concerts, theatres and movies, card-playing, "parties", in the pre-Volstead sense, dances and social activities, informal discussions and that bugbear of the weeks before Tap Day, the "dope session," at which the undergraduate solemly argues Bill Jones's chance to be tapped last man for Skull and Bones, or whether Wolf's Head or Elihu Club will provide a haven for Jim Smith.


For years the undergraduate has provided the pedagogic mind with a sort of psychological guinea pig. Anything and everything has been tried on the students of the various colleges, from hypnotism to straw votes on the solemn issues of the League of Nations, the prohibition law and the Presidential elections.
