A famous lady of literature whose charm was very near perfection unfortunately possessed a birth-mark of position and prominence sufficient to cause her infinite torture. And so the lady had the birthmark removed. But--and the moral of the story lingers here--being thus made perfect, the lady departed into thin air. Harvard certainly need not fear any such immediate dissipation.
Not with any particular birth mark the university certainly has sufficient epidemic blemishes in the form of freshman romanticists of the violent sort. For defying the gentle deities of tradition, certain underclassmen, perhaps influenced by the British Labor Strike, perhaps by mere spring fever and a taste for novelty, yesterday made of an old and excellent university tradition a riot worthy of Donald Ogden Stewart's conception of Harvard and little more.
For though with Horace one can admit that to play the fool in the right place is delightful, one cannot admit that the steps of Widener Library are the place. That the recent demonstration of the truth that Aristotle was a trifle sanguine in naming man a thinking being was significant of nothing but a moronic joie de vivre, nevermore to darken the doors of Widener is obvious. The moving pictures have enough material on hand for absurd caricature of Harvard life without aid from the class of 1929.
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