
Reserve Officers' Training Oorps

5. Uniforms--Campaign hat, O. D. shirt, O. D. coat, O. D. breeches, poncho, worn as horse collar and containing articles listed above.

By order of the Battalion Commander.  E. K. RAND,  1st Lieutenant and Adjutant.


Drill only men will not accompany their companies to the Wakefield Rifle Range.

By order of the Commandant.  P. W. LONG,  Captain and Adjutant.  April 24, 1918.


Applications for Attendance at Government Camps.

1. Men wishing to apply for the Harvard R. O. T. C. quota to the Fourth Officers' Training Camps, opening May 15th, must do so not later than Saturday noon.

2. Men in Military Science 2 wishing to attend the June under-age camp, date not yet announced, for further R. O. T. C. instruction, but not wishing to obligate themselves by signing agreement to attend, should give their names to Miss Cunningham not later the Saturday noon.

By order of the Commandant.  P. W. LONG,  Captain and Adjutant
