
Reserve Officers' Training Oorps

April 24, 1918.

General Order No. 16:

1. The several battalions of this Regiment will proceed to Wakefield on the following dates for a two days' tour of instruction in Rifle Practice.

First Battalion--April 26.

Second Battalion--May 3.


Third Battalion--May 10.

2. The Battalion Commanders will prepare and publish the necessary orders.

By order of the Commandant.   P. W. LONG,   Captain and Adjutant.

First Battalion, Harvard R. O. T. C.  Cambridge, Mass.,  April 24, 1918.

Orders No. 1:

1. Non-commissioned officers of the first Battalion will report between 9 A. M. and 5 P. M. at the Armory on Thursday, April 25th, to receive canteens.

2. Ponchos will be worn on the belt for the drill on April 25th.

3. Men will take with them to Wakefield the following articles, rolled in their ponchos:

Tooth brush, soap, toilet articles (including razor), pair of socks, set of underclothes, pajamas, towel. No other articles will be taken in the rolls.

4. The Battalion will form promptly at 3.30 on Friday, April 26th, on Cambridge street, facing east, the head resting opposite the Fogg Museum.
