
Crimson Calendar

7.15.--Lecture. "Western Education, the Western Press, and the Western Church in the East." Professor Edward Caldwell Moore. Emerson A.

8.00.--Lecture. "The Analogy Between Engraving and Painting." Mr. Timothy Cole. Lecture Room, Fogg Art Museum.

Wednesday, March 22.

4.00.--Conference on Municipal Government. "Municipal Ownership in Canadian Cities." Dr. F. D. Graham. Widener N.

4.30.--Lectures on "The Development of Chinese Art" (illustrated by lantern slides). Mr. Langdon Warner. Lecture Room, Fogg Art Museum.


4.30.--William Belden Noble Lectures. "The Spiritual Interpretation of History." III. "The Substitution of Moral for Physical Control." Dean Shailer Mathews. Emerson D.

8.00.--Concert. Musical Clubs. Norwood.

Thursday, March 23.

2.30.--Lectures (in French). "The Present State of the Problem of Evolution." IX. "Palaeontology and Evolution." III. Professor Caullery. Nash Lecture Room, University Museum.

3.30.--Romance Seminary. Meeting in Widener Y.

4.30.--William Belden Noble Lectures. "The Spiritual Interpretation of History." IV. "The Growing Recognition of the Worth of the Individual." Dean Shailer Mathews. Emerson D.

4.45.--Physiological Colloquium. "Dynamical Aspects of Antagonism." Professor Osterhaut. Nash Lecture Room, University Museum.

8.00.--Boston Symphony Orchestra Concert. Soloist: Miss Alice Eldridge. Sanders Theatre.

Friday, March 24.

4.30.--William Belden Noble Lectures. "The Spiritual Interpretation of History." V. "The Growing Ascendency of Justice Over Rights." Dean Shailer Mathews. Emerson D.
