
Crimson Calendar

(All notices for the weekly CRIMSON Calendar must be placed in the notice box in the CRIMSON office on Friday before 5 o'clock, marked "For the CRIMSON Calendar.")

Monday, March 20.

4.00.--Meeting of the Faculty of Divinity, in the Faculty Room, Divinity Library.

4.00.--Lecture. "The Ethics of Nationality." Professor Nathaniel Schmidt, of Cornell University. Old South Meeting House.

4.30.--Lecture. "Socialism and the College Man." Mr. John Spargo. Emerson J.


4.30.--Lectures on "The Development of Chinese Art." III. "The Golden Age and the Japanese Heritage" (illustrated by lantern slides). Mr. Langdon Warner. Lecture Room, Fogg Art Museum.

4.30.--William Belden Noble Lectures. "The Spiritual Interpretation of History." I. "The Extent to which a Spiritual Interpretation of History is Possible." Professor Shailer Mathews, Dean of the Divinity School of Chicago University Emerson D.

5.00.--Physical Colloquium. "Page's Derivation of Planck's Radiation Formula." II. Dr. D. L. Webster. Jefferson Physical Laboratory, Room 25.

7.30.--Seminary of Economics. "Early Taxation and Tax Documents in Massachusetts." Dr. H. H. Burbank. Widener V.

8.00.--Modern Language Conference. "George Eliot and Germany." Mr. F. S. Cawley.--"Description in Grillparzer's Dramas." Mr. H. H. Stevens. Common Room, Conant Hall.

8.00.--Medical lecture. "Food and the Digestion." Dr. D. L. Edsahl. Trophy Room of the Union.

Tuesday, March 21.

2.30.--Lectures (in-French). "The Present State of the Problem of Evolution." VIII. "Palaeontology and Evolution." II. Professor Caullery, of the University of Paris. Nash Lecture Room, University Museum.

4.00.--Faculty of Arts and Sciences. Meeting at University 5.

4.30.--William Belden Noble Lectures. "The Spiritual Interpretation of History." II. "Spiritual Changes in History as a Whole." Dean Shailer Mathews. Emerson D.
