

The Following Additions and Alterations In Second Half-year, Courses Take Effect Monday.

Chemistry 25 is open to students who have passed Chemistry 4 and 5, or their equivalents. The number of students will be limited to twelve.

Engineering Science 9 hf. Elementary Engineering. Half-course (second half-year). Dr. John W. M. Bunker. To be given at the Laboratory of Sanitary Engineering, Pierce Hall.

This course will require about nine hours per week, three of lectures (to be arranged at the first meeting of the class) and about six of laboratory work.

Municipal Administration.

Government 31 hf. Municipal Sanitary Engineering. Half-ourse (second half-year). Mon., Wed., Fri., at 11 half-year). Mon., Wed., Fri., at 11. Professor George C. Whipple. Open to graduates and undergraduates specializing in Government and Business Administration.


The course will deal with such topics as congestion of population, housing reform, public water supplies, sewage disposal, street cleaning, smoke prevention, the inspection of food and milk supplies, and various allied subjects. The course will be non-technical in character, being designed to afford an acquaintance with those things which every intelligent citizen ought to know.
