

The Following Additions and Alterations In Second Half-year, Courses Take Effect Monday.

The Faculty of Arts and Sciences has announced the following changes in courses for the second half-year:

Comparative Literature 5 hf., the history of classical culture in the middle ages, previously announced as to be omitted, will be given in the second half-year. This course will take the place of Classical Philology 35 hf.

Comparative Literature 34 hf. will be given on Th., 3.30-5.30 P. M., instead of on Tu. and Th. as previously announced.

Classical Philology 27, previously announced for the first half-year, will be offered in the second half-year.

Classical Philology 35 hf. will not be given.


English 61 hf., Eighteenth Century Periodicals, will be given on Mon. and Fri. at 2.30 P. M., instead of on Tu. and Th.

Government 8b hf., Government of the French Republic and of the German Empire, will not be given.

New Courses for Graduates.

The following five new courses have been added to the curriculum:

Zoology 6 hf. Advanced Anatomy of Vertebrates, with Special Reference to the Segmentation of the Head. Lectures and laboratory work. Half-course (second half-year). Tu., Th., Sat., at 10. Professor H. W. Norris (Grinneil College).

Zoology 6 is open to students who have taken Zoology 3.

Economics 16 hf. The Theories of Contemporary Socialism. Half-course (second half-year). Hours to be arranged. Mr. W. C. Fisher.

The first meeting of this course will be held on Friday evening, February 13, at 7 o'clock, in Upper Dane Hall.

For Undergraduates and Graduates.

Chemistry 25 hf. Sanitary Chemistry. Half-course (second half-year), Lectures, Tu., Th., at 9, Coolidge Laboratory; laboratory work, three hours a week, at periods to be arranged, Pierce Hall. Professor E. G. Smith (Beloit College).
