4.30.--Annual meeting of Harvard Officers Fund Association, University 5.
4.45.--*Harvard Zoological Club, "Ophathalmic Operations and the Conditions Requiring Them," by Professor Myles. Standish; Room 45, Zoological Laboratory.
5.00.--Meeting of Faculty of Medicine, Medical School, Boston.
7.30.--**Harvard Divinity School and Andover Theological Seminary. Preaching service by Mr. A. W. Nagler, Divinity Chapel.
8.00.--*Vocal solos by Mr. Hubbard of the Boston Opera Company, Living Room of Union.
8.00.--Romance Seminary. Meeting in Upper Warren.
8.00.--**Lowell Lecture. "The Romantic Composers," by Professor W. R. Spalding.
8.00.--*Engineering Society meeting in Conant Common Room. "Preparation of Preliminary Reports and Application to an Irrigation Project." Mr. E. G. Sheibley.
Saturday, March 7.
First round of pool tournament ends.
9.45 A. M.--Harvard Teachers' Association. Twenty-third annual meeting in Sanders Theatre.
1.00.--Harvard Teachers' Association, Anual dinner in Harvard Union.