
Crimson Calendar

*Open to University. **Open to Public.

7.30.--Undergraduate Economics Society. Professor O. M. W. Sprague on "The New Currency Bill" in Emerson D.

8.00.--Musical Clubs concert in West Newton.

8.00.--**Lowell Lecture. "The Founding of Modern Instrumental Music by Haydn and Mozart, Beethoven and the Sonata, the Symphony and the String Quartette," by Professor W. R. Spalding.

8.15.--*Meeting of Boston Society of Medical Sciences in Amphitheatre of Peter Bent Brigham Hospital, Huntington avenue, Boston.

9.00.--Senior Class Smoker in Dining Room of Union.


Wednesday, March 4.

4.45.--*Chemical Colloquium. "The Periodic Law and the Transformation of the Elements," by Dr. M. E. Lembert T. Jefferson Coolidge, Jr. Memorial Laboratory.

8.00.--Harvard Mathematical Club. Mr. C. J. Coe on "A Topic in Divergent Series." Common Room Conant Hall.

8.00.--*Lecture. "Recent Exploration in the Land of the Incas," (illustrated by slides). Professor Hiram Bingham, of Yale, at New Lecture Hall.

9.00.--Professor C. T. Copeland, reading form Bret Harte and Mark Twain. Last reading of the year.

Thursday, March 5.

4.30.--**Lecture. "Some Contemporary French Dramatists," IV "Lavedan; Lemaitre," by Dr. Samuel M. Waxman, Emerson F.

7.15.--1917 Debating in Trophy Room of Union.

8.30.--Dr. Hamilton Rice '98, F. R. G. S., on "Further Explorations in the North-west Amazon Basin, 1912-13" at the Harvard Club Boston.

Friday, March 6.
