
Crimson Calendar

*Open to University. **Open to Public.

4.00.*--University Tea in the Parlor of Brooks House.

8.00.**--Final lecture on "Wordsworth. VI. The Unity of His Career and the Essentials of His Poetry."

8.00.*--Engineering Society. "The Work of the United Stated Reclamation Service," (illustrated by the stereopticon), by Mr. R. B. Pendergast, in Conant Comon Room.

Saturday, January 25.

7.30.**--Annual track and field meet of the Massachusetts Coast Artillery Corps, at the South Armory, Irvington street, Boston.


8.00.**--University swimming team vs. Andover in Cambridge Y. M. C. A. tank.

8.15.**--University hockey team vs. Massachusetts Agricultural College at the Boston Arena.
