All notices for the weekly CRIMSON Calendar must be placed in the notice box in the CRIMSON Office on Fridays be fore 5 o'clock, marked "For the CRIMSON Calendar."
Sunday, January 19.
10.15.*--Meeting of the University Christian Association in Brooks House Parlor.
11.00.**--Morning service in Appleton Chapel by the Rev. Henry Sloane Coffin, D.D.
4.00.**--Lecture on "Leprosy and its Care in Massachusetts," by Dr. Charles J. White, at Medical School, Longwood avenue, Boston.
4.00.--President Lowell's Sunday reception.
Monday, January 20.
2.30.**--Lecture on "The Quest of Salvation in the Greek and Roman World. III. The Mysteries of Isis, Mithras, and the Great Mother," by Professor Clifford H. Moore, in King's Chapel, Boston.
4.30.**--Handicap shot-put competition in the Cage.
4.30.**--Meeting of the Faculty of Divinity in the Faculty Room, Divinity Library.
4.30.**--Seminary of Economics. "The Duties on Refined Sugar," by Mr. H. L. Perrin, in Upper Dane.
5.00.*--Physical Colloquium. "An Improved Railroad Curve," by Professor Huntington in Jefferson Physical Laboratory, Room 25.
8.00.*--Modern Language Conference. "The Port of Safety," by Professor Leo Wiener, in Conant Common Room.
Tuesday, January 21.
4.00.--Meeting of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences in University 5.
5.00.**--Lecture on "The Fundamental Problems of Human Life. V. Goethe as a Philosopher," by Professor Rudolph Eucken, in Huntington Hall, 491 Boylston street, Boston.
7.45.*--Geological Conference. "The Auriferous Gravels of the Sierra Nevada," by Professor W. Lindgren, at the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, 28 Newbury street, Boston.
8.00.**--Lecture on "Wordsworth. V. His Struggle with Despondency and His Growing Conservatism," by Professor Emile Legouis, in Huntington Hall, 491 Boylston street, Boston.
8.00.**--Lecture by Captain Roald Amundsen at Tremont Temple, Boston.
8.15.*--Meeting of Boston Society of Medical Sciences in the amphitheatre of Building D, Medical School, Longwood avenue, Boston.
Wednesday, January 22.
Last day for receiving applications for the three Freshman scholarships,--Class of 1867, Mary L. Whitney, and Thomas Hall.
Last day for receiving applications for the two Joseph Eleveth scholarships for special students.
4.00.--Meeting of St. Paul's Society to elect officers for the year of 1913-14, in Brooks House.
8.15.**--University hockey team vs. Princeton at the Boston Arena.
9.00.--Reading by Professor Copoland in the Dining Room of the Union.
Thursday, January 23.
Mid-year examinations begin in all courses offered by the Faculty of Arts and Sciences.
5.00.**--Final lecture on "The Fundamental Problems of Human Life. VI. Realism and Idealism in the Nineteenth Century," by Professor Rudolf Eucken, in Huntington Hall, 491 Boylston street, Boston.
Friday, January 24.
4.00.*--University Tea in the Parlor of Brooks House.
8.00.**--Final lecture on "Wordsworth. VI. The Unity of His Career and the Essentials of His Poetry."
8.00.*--Engineering Society. "The Work of the United Stated Reclamation Service," (illustrated by the stereopticon), by Mr. R. B. Pendergast, in Conant Comon Room.
Saturday, January 25.
7.30.**--Annual track and field meet of the Massachusetts Coast Artillery Corps, at the South Armory, Irvington street, Boston.
8.00.**--University swimming team vs. Andover in Cambridge Y. M. C. A. tank.
8.15.**--University hockey team vs. Massachusetts Agricultural College at the Boston Arena.
Read more in News
Mid-Year Examinations