7.00.--*St. Paul's Society weekly meeting. Address on "The New Attitude towards Foreign Missions," by Rev. William E. Gardner, in Noble Room, Brooks House.
8.00.--*Organ recital by Dr. Davison in Andover Chapel.
Thursday, May 16.
8.00.--St. Paul's Society Corporate Communion at Christ Church.
2.30.--**Golf match with Brae Burn Country Club at Brae Burn.
4.30.--Cosmopolitan Club weekly tea, in club rooms, Holyoke 7 and 8.
4.45.--**Harvard Zoological Club meeting. Short papers by members of the club, in Zoological Lecture Room, University Museum, fourth floor, Room 4.
8.00.--**First lecture on "The Philosophy of Henri Bergson," by Dr. E.C. Wilm, in Emerson A. Subject--"Bergson's Theory of Knowledge."
Friday, May 17.
2.00.--Bussey Seminar. Review of Geoffrey Smith's "Experiments on Sex," by Professor Wheeler, at Bussey Institution.
2.30.--**Golf match with Dartmouth at Oakley.
3.00.--Dual shoot with Dartmouth on Soldiers Field.
4.00.--**Interclass crew races in the Basin.
4.30.--*Sixth lecture on "The Early Development of Hegel's Philosophy," by Dr. J. Loewenburg '08, in Emerson F. Subject--"The Early Writings and the Phenomenology of the Spirit."
4.45.--*Graduate Chemical Club. Lecture "On the Chemistry of Rubber," by Mr. E.P. Bartlett, in Boylston 9.
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