2.30.--*Interclass tennis tournament begins on Jarvis and Soldiers Fields.
4.00.--Meeting of Faculty of Arts and Sciences, at University 5.
4.30.--*Fifth lecture on "The Early Development of Hegel's Philosophy," by Dr. J. Loewenberg '08, in Emerson F. Subject--"An Interpretation of the Early Writings of Hegel."
7.00.--Freshman Mandolin Club meeting in Trophy Room of Union.
8.00.--**Lecture (illustrated) on "Along African Trails," by Dr. Cornelius H. Patton, Secretary of the American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions, in Semitic Museum.
8.00.--Geological Conference. Addresses on "An Inter-University Geographical Excursion in France," by Professor Davis; and "An Example of Supposed Pre-glacial Weathering at Forest Hills," by Mr. P.S. Durfee, in Mineralogical Lecture Room, University Museum.
8.00.--**Musical Clubs concert in Town Hall, Lexington.
Wednesday, May 15.
3.00.--Tennis match with Brown on Jarvis Field.
4.00.--**Lecture on "The Art of Handling Men," by C.C. Batchelder '89, in Pierce 202.
4.00.--**Baseball game with Syracuse on Soldiers Field.
4.00.--**University second baseball game with Brockton High School on Soldiers Field.
4.00.--University second lacrosse game with Andover at Andover.
4.00.--**Freshman baseball game with Haverhill High School on Soldiers Field.
7.00.--Freshman Mandolin Club meeting in Trophy Room of Union.
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