1. The Executive Committee of the Student Council is to act as a nominating committee for the Freshman class, making a provisional list for the three officers and the Student Council representatives at least two men being put up for each office.
2. Additional nominations may be made by petitions signed by thirty-five members of the class.
3. The balloting will take place at the lodge gate as in the case of all other class elections.
The plan seemed to be most successful and met with very general approval.
The Executive Committee also voted that the maximum number of numerals to be awarded to a championship class football team be increased from 15 to 20. This suggestion was adopted by the Athletic Committee.
A committee has also been appointed, with A. J. Lowrey '13 as chairman, to draw up a list of 1913 men for Freshman advisers during the coming year. This was done at the request of Dean Castle.
Finally, this Executive Committee has had to deal with several petitions from college organizations, and the ratification of seven managers.
There are also several matters of very great importance on which the committee is at present working, but which are not yet in proper condition for presentation. The committee hopes to have these matters in more definite shape before very long.
The suggestions herein contained now come before you for your consideration. They will be discussed in more detail by the various committee chairmen.
Respectfully submitted, R. B. WIGGLESWORTH, Sec.
March 13, 1912.
New Class Constitutions.
The permanent class constitution ratified last night by the Student Council is designed first to put in definite form the generally accepted, though hitherto indefinite traditions of class organization, and second to provide a fairer and more reasonable system of class elections than the one now in use. For purposes of simplicity, the constitution is divided into two parts--one for the three lower classes the other for the Senior class. In each definite regulations are made concerning the membership of the class, the officers, the system of nomination and election of officers, the meetings of the class, and the method of amending the constitution.
The only radical change from the present system of class organization is in the method of nomination and election of class officers. The Freshman class elections will be under the general supervision of the Student Council--a plan tried for the first time this year. The Executive Committee of the Student Council will make nominations for each of the Freshman class officers. Additional nominations may be made by petition of 35 members of the class. A system of preferential voting will be used in the class election.
In the Sophomore and Junior years, all nominations for class officers will be made by petition. These petitions are to be signed by thirty-five members of the class. As in the Freshman year a system of preferential voting will be used in the class elections.
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