
Union Library Additions

"New Poems," by Stephen Phillips.

"Some Neglected Aspects of War," by Capt. H. T. Mahan.

"Decisive Battles of the Law," by F. T. Hill.

"Renaissance in Italy," 7 vols., by John A. Symonds.

"Adonis Attis Osiris," by J. G. Frazer.


"Christianity and the Social Order," by R. J. Campbell.

"Personal Reminiscences of Henry Irving," 2 vols., by Bram Stoker.

"Almanach de Gotha," 1908.

"Collected Works," 10 vols., by Henrik Ibsen.

"David Libby," by Fannie Eckstorm.

"Kent," by W. T. Shore.

"Letters," by Geo. B. Hill.

"The Hardy Country," by C. G. Harper.

"Men and Women of French Revolution," by Philip Gibbs.

"Duke of Argull, autobiography and memoirs," 2 vols., by Geo. Douglas.

"Letters, correspondence between 1837-1861," 3 vols., by Queen Victoria.

"Studies in Poetry," by S. A. Brooke.

"Analytic Index," by D. M. Matteson.

"The Art of Cross-Examination," by F. L. Wellman '76.

"Partners of Providence," by C. D. Stewart.
