
Union Library Additions

"Bohemia in London," by A. Ransome.

"Phillips Brooks," by A. V. G. Allen '86.

"Cairo, Jerusalem, and Damascus," by D. S. Margoliouth.

"The Japanese Nation in Evolution," by W. E. Griffis.

"Admirals Light," by H. M. Rideout '98.


"Who's Who," 1908.

"Minerva," 1907-8.

"The Bridal March" and "One Day," by B. Bjornson.

"Le Roman d'un Jeune Homme Pauvre," by Octave Feuillet.

"British Almanac," 1908.

"Scott's Standard Postage Stamps Catalogue."

"The Cambridge History of English Literature," by S. W. Ward and A. R. Waller.

"Harvard University, Class of 1908." Second report.

"Harvard University Catalogue," 1907-8.

"Yale University Catalogue," 1907-8.
