The twenty-third annual football contest between Harvard and Yale was played on Soldiers Field today in the new Stadium, which was used for the first time in an important contest. The almost total absence of wind, the bright sunlight and the crisp air, formed weather conditions that were perfect for a spirited contest. The crowd of 40,000 spectators which began to fill the immense stands for more than an hour before the game, occupied every available space and made a sight of unusual impressiveness.
The band started "Up the Street" at 1.53, and the Harvard side of the field took up the refrain with singing and whistling. At 1.55 the Yale team came on the field. Clarkson led a cheer for Yale while the Yale team was going through signal practice.
At 2 o'clock the Harvard team came the field. Clarkson led a cheer for the team.
The teams lined up as follows: Yale won the toss. At 2.08 LeMoyne kicked off to Farmer, who ran the ball back 15 yards. Farmer makes two yards through right tackle. Farmer makes only half a yard at the same place, and Yale is forced to punt. Schoellkopf makes two yards through centre. On a trick play Captain Marshall runs around right end for 20 yards. Schoellkopf makes two yards through right tackle. Derby goes through right tackle for three yards. Schoellkopf makes five yards, but then Harvard is penalized ten yards for off-side play, and LeMoyne punts. Yale gets the ball on her own 40-yard line. Yale fails to gain through left tackle, but on the next play Hogan hurdles the line for two yards. On a quarterback trick by Yale Marshall gets the ball on the 20-yard line, and advances it 15 yards. Derby gains 2 yards through right tackle. Schoellkopf makes 4 yards through right guard. Hurley makes 5 yards, through right guard. Schoellkopf makes two yards through left guard. Harvard is penalized 10 yards for off-side play. Parkinson passes high to LeMoyne, who fumbles, but recovers the ball on Harvard's 35-yard line, but it is Yale's ball on downs. Hogan takes the ball 3 yards through left tackle. Hogan makes it first down. Nichols is hurt. Mitchell fails to gain through left guard. Hogan gains 2 yards through centre. Yale is penalized 20 yards for holding A fake kick by Yale fails to gain, and Mitchell punts to Nichols, who is downed on Harvard's 5-yard line. Nichols punts to Harvard's 45-yard line. In two rushes through right tackle Yale makes first down. From here, a long run by Mitchell around left end to Harvard's 4-yard line puts Yale in a position to secure a touchdown. Hogan makes 2 yards through right tackle. The ball is on the 2-yard line. Hogan makes the touchdown. Metcalf fails to kick goal. Score--Yale, 5; Harvard, 0. LeMoyne kicks off to Farmer, who runs the ball back 23 yards. Hogan makes 2 yards through left tackle. Mitchell makes 5 yards through right tackle. In two plays directed at Derby Yale makes 5 yards. Yale fails to gain. Hogan breaks through left guard for 3 yards. Mitchell punts, but the kick is blocked. Mitchell recovered the ball, but Harvard received it on downs on Yale's 26-yard line. Harvard makes first down in three plays through right tackle. Read more in News