

Review of the Four Weeks of Indoor Work.--Individual Criticism.

Baldwin is a hard worker but is uncertain and inclined to throw while off balance. His batting is weak, and he has a good deal of room for improvement all around.

Wood is steadily improving. He handles himself well and his throwing and fielding are accurate but not quick enough.

Higgs is very slow, clumsy and stiff and his fielding is not at all up to form, but his batting is encouraging, and he may develop into a strong hitter.

Stewart is quick but careless in throwing. Lack of patience has made his progress slow. His batting is fair.

Pieper is awkward and slow in the field, but may learn to bat well.


Black is learning rapidly and has done much towards overcoming his awkwardness.

Minton's fault is throwing while off his balance. His batting is improving.

Daly fields fairly well but is inclined to be careless, and is not very strong at the bat.

Christenson is doing pretty good work in the field, and may have a good chance if he shows strength in batting.

Walsh throws and bats well and is working conscientiously.

Shanks is quick but very crude and needs much practice in handling the ball.
