

Review of the Four Weeks of Indoor Work.--Individual Criticism.

Nye is rather short for the position, but throws well and bats in very good form.

The second base candidates are not so good and are not making as much progress.

Fincke has been ill and unable to do much work. His fielding and throwing are as accurate as ever, but he is slow and is not strong in handling the ball for double plays.

Frantz plays a very fancy game and is somewhat inclined to be careless. His hitting is not very strong.

Murphy is quick and throws well but does not always get his heels together on ground balls, and often throws while off his balance. He is batting well.


The disability of Keene and Carr leaves Coolidge the leading candidate for shortstop. He is surer than last year and is throwing very well, but is not quick enough on attempts for double plays.

Carr fields in good form but is apt to throw while off his balance, and too hard. He has fractured a bone in his little finger and will be unable to practice for a few weeks. During that time he will assist Keene in coaching the Freshmen.

Keene's arm which he broke last summer is not strong enough to allow him to play regularly, so he has been obliged to retire from the University squad.

Story, on third base, shows great improvement in the details of play over his work on the Freshman team last year. He is quick, and throws and bats well. He does not speak up enough.

Lancy is fielding fairly well but does not keep his heels together in fielding grounders, and is generally uncertain. He needs a good deal of practice in batting.

G. C. Clark is also a possible candidate for third base.

It has been impossible to judge the work of the outfielders satisfactorily from the practice in the cage. A good many candidates have been retained so that they may be tried outdoors.

Wendell, who will probably remain in right field, is playing with a great deal of spirit and is improving in batting. His work in general is good, though his throwing has not always been accurate.

Devens is slow and awkward, and has been troubled some by a lame arm which may, however, be better in the warm weather. He has not shown much improvement in headwork. His batting is good.

Putnam fields and throws well, but is unsteady at critical times and is far from strong at the bat.
