
The Proposed Constitution of the Harvard Union.

Sec. 2. Special meetings for a specific purpose shall be called by the President on the request of the House Committee, or at the request in writing of fifty active members.

Sec. 3. Except in case of urgent need, the announcement of each meeting shall be posted on the bulletin board, and its object stated, one week in advance.

Sec. 4. For the ordinary transaction of business, one hundred active members shall constitute a quorum.


This Constitution may be altered or amended by a majority vote of two hundred members present at two successive meetings such meetings to be held not less than one week apart; notice of the first meeting, and its object, being posted ten days in advance; provided, however, that the Board of Trustees shall concur in such alteration or amendment.




Sec. 1. Any member may introduce a visitor who accompanies him to the Union; but persons eligible to membership shall not be introduced by the same member oftener than twice a year.

Sec. 2. Persons not eligible for membership may be introduced to the privileges of the Union for a period not exceeding two weeks, provided the Treasurer, on application of some member, issue a card of invitation, signed by a member of the House Committee, and the name of the visitor be registered in a book.

Sec. 3. Members shall be responsible for any expense incurred by their guests.

Sec. 4. No person not a member of the Union shall be present at any of its business meetings, unless he be specially invited by the Presiding Officer or the House Committee.

Sec. 5. Only active members shall vote at business meetings and elections.

Sec. 6. The order of business at the annual meeting shall be as follows:--

1. Reading of minutes.

2. Announcement of result of election.
