
The Proposed Constitution of the Harvard Union.

Sec. 6. Honorary Members.--The Union may elect not more than ten honorary members, provided each candidate for honorary membership has received the approval of the Board of Trustees, of the Membership Committee, and of two-thirds of the active members, voting at a special meeting.

Sec. 7. The names of all candidates for membership shall be posted one week before their election, in order that members may report on them to the Membership Committee. A majority of the votes cast at a meeting of this committee shall constitute an election.


Sec. 1. The annual dues for an active member shall be ten dollars; for an associate member, eight dollars; and for a non-resident member, four dollars, but two dollars if he lives more than twenty-five miles from Cambridge.

Sec. 2. Yearly dues are payable in advance on Oct. 1; except that a newly elected member shall pay his dues within fourteen days of the date of his election, such payment covering his membership until the following Oct. 1.


Sec. 3. No members shall be allowed to incur an indebtedness exceeding ten dollars.

Sec. 4. The name, with the amount due, of any member whose account remains unpaid ten days after receiving notice from the Treasurer, shall be posted; and a week later he shall be deprived of the use of the Union unless his account has been paid, but if he fails to pay within three weeks more, he shall cease to be a member of the Union.

Sec. 5. Any one who has thus ceased to be a member for non-payment of his bill may be reinstated by the House Committee with the assent of the Treasurer.


Sec. 1. Resignations must be presented in writing to the Membership Committee before Oct. 1, otherwise members shall be liable for the dues of the coming year. Without such resignation, a member ceasing to be a student shall become an associate or non-resident member, according to his place of residence.

Sec. 2. No resignation shall be accepted from a member who has not discharged in full his indebtedness to the Union.


Section 1. Any member may be suspended or expelled for cause, by a vote of three fourths of all the members of the House and Membership committees. Before expulsion, the Secretary shall be instructed, by a majority vote of these committees, to send the member a copy of the charges preferred against him; and, at the request of this member there shall be a hearing before the House and Membership committees in joint session.


Section 1. The annual meeting shall be held the first Thursday in April, except in cases above mentioned.
