A course of five lectures will be given for the benefit of the Prospect Union, by Professor Bliss Perry, Editor of the "Atlantic Monthly" and formerly Professor of English Literature in Princeton University. These lectures will be open to the public and will be given on Tuesday afternoons at 4.30 in Sever 11.
Feb. 5.--Thackeray.
Feb. 12.--Hawthorne.
Feb. 19.--The Short Story.
Feb. 26.--Stevenson.
Mar. 5.--Literary Fashions.
Admission by ticket only. Price of course ticket, $3.00. Single admission, 75 cents. Tickets may be obtained at F. L. Beunke's and the Prospect Union, Cambridgeport; Amee Brothers, Cambridge; Women's Educational and Industrial Union, and the Old Corner Bookstore, Boston.