Feb. 10.--Rev. Lyman Abbott, D. D., of New York.
Feb. 17.--Rev. David H. Greer, D.D., of New York.
Symphony Concerts.
Thursday evenings, Jan. 31, Feb. 14, Mar. 14, April 11, May 2.
Cercle Francais Public Lectures for 1901.
The Cercle Francais has arranged for a series of eight lettures on the Modern French Drama, to be given by M. Gaston Deschamps, literary critic of the "Temps." These lectures will be given in Sanders Theatre, at 4.30 p. m., on dates given below. Tickets for the course may be obtained from Mr. R. Goelet, 6 Claverly Hall, to whom applications must be made in writing before Friday, February 1. Sections of the Theatre will be reserved for officers and students of the University, The dates and subjects of the lectures are:
Feb. 20--Les Maitres du Theatre contemporain: Augier, Dumas fils, Meilhac & Halevy, Sardou.
Feb. 22.--La Question du Mariage et le Theatre contemporain; Paul Hervieu.
Feb. 25.--Le Theatre satirique; Henri Lavedan, Maurice Donnay, Alfred Capus.
Feb. 27.--La Farce. Les Successeurs de Labiche.
Mar. 1.--La Vie de famille et le Theatre contemporain; Brieux.
Mar. 4.--La Question sociale; Francois de Curel; le Theatre Antoine.
Mar. 6.--De Drame heroique; Henri de Bornier; Edmond Rostand.
Mar. 8.--Conclusion. L'Avenir du Theatre en France.
Lectures for the Benefit of the Prospect Union.
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