
Special Notice.

PARK THEATRE, Eugene Tompkins Lessee and Manager.- Baseball by Automaton players every afternoon the Bostons play away from home. Smoking allowed. Admission 25 cents.

STUDENTS.- Buy and Sell your College Text Books at the Harvard Book Store, 33 Brattle St. 1tf

STUDENTS' ROOMS, Post Office Building, Boylston street, leading from Harvard Square to Soldiers Field, the Boat Houses and the Park; very central. Suites of Parlor and two Bed-rooms, Parlor and Single Room, and Single Rooms. Bath Rooms, hot and cold water. Steam Heat just put in each room of this building. Prices very moderate. Apply to Janitor or to C. C. Read, 31 State St., Boston.

SPREADS.- Cook serves a reasonable priced-satisfactory spread. The largest spreads in the Yard were furnished by him last year.

ENTRANCE SUBJECTS.- Instruction in all entrance requirements by competent teachers of long experience. Laboratory facilities in physics and chemistry. Instruction preparatory to the removal of mathematical conditions a specialty.


WILLIAM W. NOLEN, 2 Manter Hall.1 5

ENTRANCE EXAMINATIONS.- Preparations for entrance examinations. Experience; personal attention.

E. GORDON PARKER, 16 Dunster Hall.1 2

A SPECIAL Class Day dinner, best in Cambridge, will be served from half-past eleven till three o'clock at Harvard Cafe, 1388 Mass. avenue. Right in Harvard square. 3

SEND your Bulls-Eye Film this summer to me by mail prepaid and postpaid and I will develop it for 20 cents, print it for 50 cents, and mail to you, total 75 cents. E. W. Lundahl, 58 Winter street, Boston. 3

BOARD AND ROOMS.- Homelike accommodations during this week at 357 Harvard St, Several pleasant rooms to let. Good board at 357 Harvard St. Fourth block from Yard. Rooms from $1.50 to $4.50. Board $5 per week. 2 2

WANTED.- Two Statue tickets. State price. Address X. Y. Z., Crimson office.

CAMBRIDGE SAFE DEPOSIT AND TRUST Co.- No. 1300 Mass. avenue. Excellent facilities for the storage of silver and valuables. Boxes to rent, $10 per year. Deposits received subject to check and collections made in all parts of the U. S. t
