
Special Notice.

HARVARD MEN.- Ducharme's barber shop is the only one reserved for your patronage in Cambridge. For years with Young's Hotel. Now post office block. At popular prices. Bring your razors for sharpening, etc. 2 tf

TYPEWRITING, W. E. Weaver '98, 44 College House

CLARKE AND PHELPS. Caterers, 102 Chestnut street, Boston, or 1120 Massachusetts avenue, Cambridge. We are open to cater for Class Day Spreads and any communication will receive prompt attention. 1

A SPECIAL offer to the Harvard students this season. The best suit for value ever offered at twenty-five dollars. Call and examine. L. Pinkos, Tailor, 1122 Mass. Ave., Cambridge. tf

BOXING.- Do you want to take boxing lessons? If so there is no better man than Wm. S. Gordon, who has been appointed instructor at the Gymnasium. Lessons at Gymnasium or at rooms. Wm. S. Gordon, 74 Boylston Street, Boston. 27 tf


The old stand at Foster's is the best place in Cambridge to get a good lunch. All kinds of temperance drinks. 7 tf

TUTORING for Finals and other Exams.- French A, 1a, 1b, 1c, 2a, 2c, 6c, 6. German A, B, C, 1a, 1b, 1c, E, F, G, 2.

E. T. LAMBERT, A. B., 15 Remington St., Oppo. Ware HallA full line of low and high shoes, black, tan and patent, prices $3.50 to $8.00, at Newman's.

PRESCOTT HALL.- A few suites for next year; study, two bed-rooms and bath-room with outside window; gymnasium and shower in basement; prices reduced. Apply to janitor or to Ellis and Melledge.

We have a complete line in stock ready to fit any foot in sizes 5 to 12 in widths AA to E in Gentlemen's Shoes in tan, black calf and patent leather, high and low cut. Our prices are $3.50, $4, $4.50, $5.00, $6, $7, $8. Co-operative discount on all cash sales. Highest grade shoes in the country and our prices are right. College men will please ask for the cash discount, as we give it only to students.

NEWMAN THE SHOEMAN, Fine Shoes and Harvard Bicycles.TUTORING in Mathematics and German. Also in subjects for entrance examinations.

HENRY L. COAR, A. M., 81 Oxford street.1 4

PACH BROS. have a few cameras that they will sell at cost rather than carry them over until another season. Call and see them.

GEO. T. MOFFATT, Stenographer. Typewriting and Manifolding. Crimson office.

A perfectly new Washburn banjo for sale very cheap. This is a great bargain and anyone wishing to secure such an instrument would do well to call at Briggs and Briggs Music Store.
