MR. FREDK. W. WHITAKER, of Whitaker Co., Tailors, 43 Conduit Street, London, W., has arrived at Young's Hotel, Boston, with special samples for winter. He will be there until October 9th. Hotel hours, 8 to 11 a. m., 4.30 to 7 p. m. Appointments by letter. 2 10
BOARD.- Students can be accommodated with excellent board and desirable rooms at 1200 Mass. Ave., (Opposite Beck). 2 6
STUDENTS.- Buy your second-hand text books at the Harvard Book Store, near Post Office, 33 Brattle St. 1-tf
TO LET.- Suite of two rooms, 12 Hilton Block. Furnishings for sale. Apply to W. J. Downing, 70 Kilby street, Boston, or to janitor on premises. 7 5
JOSEPH J. TRACY, 1190 Mass. avenue. Seats at the general table. Rooms for club tables. Catering of all kinds given personal attention. Meals served in halls. Opposite Beck Hall. 7 tf
"THE PRESCOTT," 22 Prescott St., next to Prescott Hall (under new management), Dining Rooms for Students. Table Board, $8 per week. General and Club Tables. 1 12
TO LET.- First class rooms for clubs. Apply to O. P. Roberts, 15 Brattle St., Room 7. 3 6
ORDERS taken for stenography and typewriting from dictation or manuscript, 1414 Mass. avenue. 7 2
TO BE LET to a responsible party, a handsome mahogany upright (Miller) piano. Apply, 38 Shepard street.
THE old stand at Foster's is the best place in Cambridge to get a good lunch. All kinds of temperance drinks. 7 tf
Dr. Myron E. Pierce, Dentist, 1382 Massachusetts Ave., Harvard Sq. Hours for consultation and examinations: 8.30 to 9 a. m., 2 to 2.30 p. m.