
Special Notice.

MR. F. W. WODELL, soloist and teacher of singing, 52 Pierce Bldg., Copley Sq., Boston, has just returned from his second term of study with William Shakespeare, of London, England. He began teaching this week. 2 12

YOUNG'S 15 Bow St. Room for three club tables. Seats at the general table. House renovated, electric lights, new chef, cuisine fine. Verdict of the 'Varsity eleven, which eats there as usual.

1 13

DANCING CLASS.- Mrs. S. J. Chandler's meets at Odd Fellows Hall, Cambridgeport, Tuesday nights. Term opens Oct. 12. Private lessons by appointment. Residence next city hall. 2 tf

HARVARD MEN.- Ducharme's barber shop is the only one reserved for your patronage in Cambridge. For years with Young's Hotel. Now post office block. At popular prices. Bring your razors for sharpening, etc. 2 tf


THE Society of Decorative Art, 14 East 34th St., New York. Sofa Pillows, curtains, flags, artistic furnishings of all kinds, suitable for students' rooms. Shopping to order. H. C. Davidson, Superintendent. 3 3m

Readers of Alaska and Klondike matters will find the new book on "Alaska-Its Neglected Past and Its Brilliant Future," by Bushrod Washington James, the most thoroughly complete and best illustrated work on this subject. In press. Nearly ready. By Sunshine Publishing Co., 402 Race Street, Philadelphia. 1 4

STUDENTS ROOMS.- Read's Dormitory, Boylston St., near College buildings. This avenue leads to Soldier's Athletic Field, Boat Houses and Cambridge Park. A few suites, parlor and two bed rooms and single rooms. Steam heat, bath rooms, hot and cold water. Prices very moderate. Apply to Janitor, Boyston St. 2 tf

"CLASS OF 1901." Get all your clothes pressed once a week during college year for $10.00 each. Call at 7 Brattle, or drop postal to L. G. MacKeigan, P. O. Box 36, Cambridge. 4 tf

PRESCOTT HALL.- Student rooms to let, study, two bed rooms, and bath, fire place and steam heat, gymansium and shower in basement.

ELLIS AND MELLEDGE, Lyceum Building, Harvard Sq.1 11

ENGLISH Const. History.- The following books, unsoiled and in every way as good as new, for sale second hand: Hist. 11, Hallam, 2 vols., $1.00; Hist. 12, May, 3 vols., $2.50; Hist. 9, Pollock and Maitland, $6.50. Inquire at Thurston's.

8 2

PRIVATE rooms, newly furnished for club and training tables. Inquire at Cafe, 1388 Mass. Ave. 1-12t

TO LET.- Double suite No. 16, Ware Hall. Second floor, corner room. Inquire of janitor. 5 7

MR. FREDK. W. WHITAKER, of Whitaker Co., Tailors, 43 Conduit Street, London, W., has arrived at Young's Hotel, Boston, with special samples for winter. He will be there until October 9th. Hotel hours, 8 to 11 a. m., 4.30 to 7 p. m. Appointments by letter. 2 10

BOARD.- Students can be accommodated with excellent board and desirable rooms at 1200 Mass. Ave., (Opposite Beck). 2 6

STUDENTS.- Buy your second-hand text books at the Harvard Book Store, near Post Office, 33 Brattle St. 1-tf

TO LET.- Suite of two rooms, 12 Hilton Block. Furnishings for sale. Apply to W. J. Downing, 70 Kilby street, Boston, or to janitor on premises. 7 5

JOSEPH J. TRACY, 1190 Mass. avenue. Seats at the general table. Rooms for club tables. Catering of all kinds given personal attention. Meals served in halls. Opposite Beck Hall. 7 tf

"THE PRESCOTT," 22 Prescott St., next to Prescott Hall (under new management), Dining Rooms for Students. Table Board, $8 per week. General and Club Tables. 1 12

TO LET.- First class rooms for clubs. Apply to O. P. Roberts, 15 Brattle St., Room 7. 3 6

ORDERS taken for stenography and typewriting from dictation or manuscript, 1414 Mass. avenue. 7 2

TO BE LET to a responsible party, a handsome mahogany upright (Miller) piano. Apply, 38 Shepard street.

THE old stand at Foster's is the best place in Cambridge to get a good lunch. All kinds of temperance drinks. 7 tf

Dr. Myron E. Pierce, Dentist, 1382 Massachusetts Ave., Harvard Sq. Hours for consultation and examinations: 8.30 to 9 a. m., 2 to 2.30 p. m.
