BONUS of $25 to anyone taking No. 4 Foxcroft House. Double Room, Regular Price $175. Second story. Best room in the house. Apply to janitor between 8 and 12 a. m., or 32 Conant Hall. 26 3
NEWMAN'S $3.00 shoes are well advertising themselves. Our sales are increasing on them every day. In has not yet reached 100 pairs a day but it soon will, for any man who buys one pair will do so again, and recommend his friends to try the $3.00 shoe made by
THE VALHALLA, 12 Dunster street.- The only first class Dining Rooms near the Square, Game Suppers, Welsh Rarebit, Broiled Live Lobsters a specialty. Also all kinds of club sandwiches. 28 2
RARE Old and Modern Engravings and Etchings, and Scarce Old English Sporting Prints in Colors, the collection of A. M. Lion, Esq., late of 434 Fifth avenue, N. Y. (now residing in Europe).
Appropriately Framed, Brilliant Impressions, Rare Examples of Old Colorings.
The Engravings and Etchings include Superb Examples in Colors of George Morland, Francis Bartolozzi, Sir Joshua Reynolds, Richard Cosway, Sir. Thos. Lawrence, Wilkie, Aprian and other celebrated masters.
The Sporting Prints include Fox Hunting, Shooting, Coaching, Steeple Chasing, Cock Fighting, etc., by James Pollard, H. Alken, Herring (Sen'r), Reeves, C. Hunt and others.
On exhibition in our Art Gallery, 32 Bromfield street, Boston, Monday and Tuesday, Nov. 1 and 2. Sale Wednesday and Thursday, Nov. 3 and 4, at 10.30 a. m., and 2.30 p. m. each day.
By Lewis J. Bird Co., Auctioneers, 32 Bromfield street, Boston. 28 4